"I introduced a resolution to establish April 22 as a National Day of Silence to bring attention to the bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination aimed the LGBTQ+ students across the country. takano.house.gov/newsroom/press"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mark Takano:
"Americans want more time with their loved ones. More time to themselves. More time to tend to their obligations and interests outside of work. In a country as wealthy as the United States, people should be able to have all thiswhile earning a livable wage.pe.com/2022/04/17/a-3"Read on Twitter
"From my family to yours, happy Easter to all who celebrate! I wish you a day filled with endless blessings." on April 17Read on Twitter
"Happy Passover to all beginning their celebrations tonight. May this be a wonderful time spent with family, friends, and loved ones near and far." on April 15Read on Twitter